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Welcome Map Marseille Migrants' experiences collecting and sharing

53 Results for Thematic: Temporary accommodation

Places 13

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Experiences 29

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Women without children, no emergency accommodation

From Sekender and his familly's Story

For my sister, we called the 115 many times but they said there was no room, they asked if she had any children and say “sorry we don’t have place”, we tried so many times and  when she said she didn’t have any children they said there was no room… one time we didn’t know what to do so i told my sister, tell 115 you have a child … as she doesn’t have a child, she took my daughter to get a place in a hotel… we know it doesn’t work like that but how do you do it…? I know it’s not right, we’re not used to lying, but we don’t have a solution… It’s to hard to see her like this… In the end my sister told the truth where she sleep with our daughter, and they said they would think about it…

Le dossier médical du demandeur d’asile et hébergement

From Récit de Koda

 L’OFII m’a donné le CERFA « Dossier médical du demandeur d’asile – certificat médical confidentiel » : c’est pour mon état de santé et pour avoir un hébergement (évaluation de sa « vulnérabilité », en vue d’une orientation vers un hébergement pour demandeurs d’asile – « demande d’adaptation de ses conditions matérielles d’accueil pour des raisons médicales ») [...]

Stories 8

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Audios 3

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