ADDAP13 : No housing solution for us

The PADA tell me to go to ADDAP13, i go with my brother at least 2/3 time a week but they don’t do anything there, just make me sign a notebook to say that i’ve come. They say there’s no room, it’s too crowded… that i have to sleep on the street.

At my first appointment, they received me in an office and asked me what route i’d taken and how i’d got there. I explained that i had health problems. I have a bullet in my back.

A year ago in Afghanistan, he was injured.

Since then i have big health and mobilty  problems. ADDAP13 told me to go to the North hospital. I went there with my brother, they told us there would contact us. The doctors there said they didn’t know if they could operate because they was a risk of losing the use of my legs as the bullet was very close to my spine.

Even with this major health problems ADDAP13 hasn’t offer me a housing solution; they tell me to wait.

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