MPT (Social community center “House For All”) Kalliste Granière

The Associative premises Citizens’ Space, is a place to meet, listen, get information, guidance and support to initiatives by residents and associations.

You will find :

  • Informatic pole : free access computing equipment, help with computer access (personalized support for dematerialized administrative files)
  • worksops, meeting and trainings
  • Digital advisor : individual support for your digital needs
  • Library : Storytelling workshop, book loan

It is also home to associations, social and employment activities:

  • ASMAJ (Legal and mediation office) : advice on familly, employment, housing and cosumer laws.
  • AMPIL (Mediterranean action for social integration through housing) : social, legal and technical support to solve housing-related problems
  • Foreigners’ Support Point
  • Médiance 13 : social mediation and support for rights access, by appointment
  • Mission Locale : welcoming, informing and guiding the people aged 16-25 y.o to help them find work
  • CCO/MOVE: help and technical suport in finding a work, by or without appointment