Accueil de jour Femmes et Enfants (Day shelter for Women and Children)

A place where women and their children can rest and take shelter unconditionally.

It is a gathering place where women can socialize, express themselves and share convivial moments.

There, women and children can be offered:

  • Attentive listening by a team of professional social and care workers
  • Guidance and information according to their situation
  • Assistance with administrative procedures by a social worker
  • Basic needs services (meals, shower, laundry, care, mailing address)
  • Access to a kitchen for women who want to prepare their meals and take them away
  • Collective workshops (gardening, plastic arts, cultural outings, cooking, etc.)

ADJ Femmes et Enfants also offers mailing address services, which allow families (couples with children) to receive their mail.