Welcome Map (print versions)
Welcome Map Marseille (A1 Portrait) From Rond Point du Prado to Bougainville. Scale : 1 : 10.500 Dimensions : 84 x 59 cm
- Welcome Map Marseille (A0 Landscape) From Rond Point du Prado to Arnavaux. Scale : 1 : 11.500 Dimensions : 84 x 118 cm
Multilingual poster (Fr / En / Arabic) presenting the QX1 platform in Marseille. It includes a flashcode allowing direct access to the site. A3 format (297 x 420cm)
- Flyer QX1 Welcome Map Flyers presenting the project and inviting participation (interviews, translations, etc.) A5 Recto-Verso format
French Version
Arabic Version - (النسخة العربية)
English Version
Useful Links
- Welcome Map of the Var
- Pratikapp Montpellier Mapping of resources and information for newcomers to Montpellier
- réfugié digital platform that aims to gather and translate practical information for refugees and their caregivers to facilitate their integration in France (legal aid, French courses, professional integration, etc.)
- w2eu Welcome to Europe (w2eu) provides refugees and immigrants with information that may be useful for their journey to and through Europe.
- border guide fr-it an information brochure about the French-Italian border
- jumamap (italy) mapping at national level (Italy) of services for asylum seekers and holders of international protection
- Welcome Map Berlin
- legal toolbox (by Espaces asso) data collection method in foreign law
- de quel droit Case law on foreigners' rights
- GISTI Immigrant Information and Support Group