Destination familles (Destination families)

A meeting place in the heart of Marseille’s Noailles district

Destination Familles, a secular community education association founded in 2006, offers comprehensive support to residents in the exercise of their citizenship: parenthood, educational promotion, culture, access to rights… It fosters encounters, encourages initiatives and facilitates links between residents and public authorities through social and cultural activities. Its work is in tune with, adapts to and evolves within its environment and territory. It offers an unconditional welcome in order to guarantee the values of proximity and solidarity.

The association is active in a number of fields, and in particular works for :

  • Promote and develop synergy between families and their environment;
  • To create a space for exchanges and meetings to facilitate social links (information and guidance);
  • Support parents in their educational roles and functions;
  • Fostering relationships between children, families and schools;
  • Involve parents in joint initiatives to develop the autonomy, self-fulfilment and well-being of children and their families;
  • Taking a holistic view of young children, adolescents and young adults, and supporting their development.

At its premises at 52 la Canebière, it offers administrative assistance by appointment, legal support for foreigners, and a free public letter-writing service (in partnership with L’Encre Bleue association).

See also the page dedicated to the premises at 15, rue Jean Roque, where Destination Familles offers language courses, sewing workshops, tutoring, etc.