CASO Médecins du Monde
Free medical consultations for people without health coverage, no need for appointment
Free medical consultations for people without health coverage, no need for appointment
AMPIL's main aim is to improve housing conditions for disadvantaged sections of the population.
Reception, support, advice for migrants, French courses on 3 levels
The Day Centre (ADJ) is a place where homeless people can take a break for a few hours and enjoy a shower, a cup of coffee, a home address, help with administrative formalities, nursery, etc.
Unconditional shelter for women and their children: meals, shower, laundry, care, mailing address, collective workshops, shared kitchen...
The mission of the MNA service is to provide initial reception, shelter and educational and social evaluation of unaccompanied foreign minors in the Bouches-du-Rhône department.
Promoting health and development initiatives in African migrant communities.
Free and confidential legal advice
Community health association with and for sex workers and transgender people
Social centre offering FLE courses, sociolinguistic workshops and advice on access to rights for foreigners, women and families...
Caf des Bouches-du-Rhône (Caf 13) supports users in the department at all stages of their family and social life [...]
Caisse d'allocations familiales: financial assistance for families
A centre for resources, information, advice and support for all young people and professionals working with young people.
The role of the Community Social Action Center is to provide assistance to people in difficulty : domiciliation, financial and food help...
The role of the Community Social Action Center is to provide assistance to people in difficulty : domiciliation, financial and food help...
The role of the Community Social Action Center is to provide assistance to people in difficulty : domiciliation, financial and food help...
The role of the Community Social Action Center is to provide assistance to people in difficulty : domiciliation, financial and food help...
The Marseille LGBTQIA+ Center is committed to promoting and fighting for freedoms and equal rights for all LGBTQIA+ people.
General medical consultations, social interviews, nursing interviews, speech therapy, reception, tea or coffee.
Comede is taking action in favour of the health of exiled persons and defending their rights.
Mobile team of health mediators: cancer screening, vaccines, opening up health rights, etc.
French courses for beginners and distribution of food parcels for La Viste residents
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
The Departmental House of Solidarity welcome you, advises you and guide you, in particular on how to access your rights.
Destination Familles welcomes and supports children, teenagers and parents in various fields: educational, social, cultural and civic.
Sewing and handicraft workshops, French classes, homework support and a women's discussion group.
French workshops for foreigners, comprehensive reception, solidarity grocery shop, social services...
Confidential advice centres: sexuality, the body, contraception, voluntary interruption of pregnancy (abortion), sexually transmitted infections ("STDs"), violence
Welcome, advice and support in asserting your rights in all matters relating to housing, whether amicably or through the courts.
Hospitality for Women
Psychologists, doctors and social workers are available to listen and answer young people's questions about their general health.
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
Public writer
A place for homeless people: social support, physical lockers and "digital safes", computers, workshops and day trips...
Flea market, public letter-writing, French lessons (FLE/Alpha), meals at very low prices...
Social centre offering a variety of leisure activities, training, etc.
Social centre offering a variety of leisure activities, training, etc.
The Salvation Army's mobile kitchen is available on registration
Collective for the defence of the interests of the users of the Platform for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (PADA) and the documented and undocumented newcomers in Marseille.
Health Care Access Desk for people in precarious situations (not having CMU or AME): nurses, doctors, opening of rights.
Help in opening rights and referral to a doctor/dentist while waiting for health coverage.
Assistance in obtaining health insurance and referral to a doctor/dentist while waiting for health coverage.
Access to care for adults without health care rights.
Healthcare access for families with children who do not have health coverage
General doctor, nurse and social assistant receiving without conditions, in front of the Asylum Platform.
Permanence d'Accueil, d'Ecoute et d'Orientation du Collectif des Demandeurs de Papiers 13 : accompagnement social, coaching et cours de langue
Street presence in front of the police station in Noailles with a view to guiding young UFMs until they are sheltered by the Department.
Support and educational assistance for MNAs recognized as minors and taken into care by associations mandated by the Conseil Départamental.
Support and guidance for people with chronic illnesses (HIV, hepatitis, etc.).
Day centre, social support and health point for people without health cover
Secours populaire provides food aid, clothing, access to rights, healthcare and housing, social and professional integration, etc.
Social centre offering tutoring, social permanences, activities for families...
Social centre offering tutoring, language courses, activities for families...
Association providing assistance to women who are victims of domestic violence, in Marseille and the surrounding area.
Welcoming, listening, counselling desks and French language courses.
The reception offers breakfast, assistance with administrative formalities, showers, laundry facilities, changing rooms, etc.
The Watizat association realise and distributes information tools for the exiles
L'APELS est une association qui a pour objectif de permettre aux sportifs, peu ou pas diplômés, de s’insérer dans le domaine professionnel en utilisant le sport comme principal outil.
Droits et Habitats accompagne les personnes en difficultés logées dans le 1er arr. afin qu’elles puissent faire valoir leurs droits liés à l’habitat.
Atelier bricolage, partage de connaissances autour du logement et des droits des locataires, entraide...
Atelier bricolage, partage de connaissances autour du logement et des droits des locataires, prêts d'outils...
Accompagnement aux personnes ayant des punaises de lit dans leur logement : formation et prêt de matériel spécifique.
Le programme LEVIER est un cycle d'ateliers pour les adultes réfugiés : cours de français, insertion professionnelle...
Association sportive proposant des activités à tarifs solidaire et en faveur de l'action sociale.
Association engagée dans la lutte pour les droits et les soins de la communauté nigériane primo arrivante à Marseille tout en luttant contre la traite des êtres humains.